Community, Equity and Resiliency
EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) and Office of Environmental Justice & External Civil Rights (OEJECR) are collaborating to help communities, especially those that are low-income and disadvantaged, navigate once-in-a lifetime financing and resources available to confront the climate crisis and reduce pollution.
Read the November 1, 2023 news release.
Resources to Help Communities
The Community, Equity & Resiliency initiative highlights significant funding opportunities and technical assistance programs to help communities confront environmental pollution and climate change challenges and create positive change in their communities.
Virtual Open House & Regional Roadshow
Learn about environmental and climate justice issues and the once-in-a-lifetime financing from environmental leaders. Discover resources and available technical assistance.
Resources to Help Communities
Funding and resources from EPA's Investing in America programs help communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions, implement climate action and pollution reduction plans and much more.
Advancing Environmental Justice
The Inflation Reduction Act is the largest investment in environmental justice in U.S. history to empower communities to confront and overcome environmental pollution and climate change challenges.