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New Hampshire Aluminum Parts Company and EPA Reach Agreement in Hazardous Waste Violations Case

Release Date: 03/25/2002
Contact Information: Mark Merchant, EPA Press Office (617) 918-1013

BOSTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced a consent agreement with the Bomar Company of Charlestown, N.H. to settle alleged violations of hazardous waste handling regulations.

The agreement requires the company to pay a $17,500 cash penalty. In addition, the company will spend approximately $82,000 on two supplemental environmental projects (SEPs) to resolve this case, projects that will have direct benefits to the environment.

Bomar, formally incorporated as Pompanette L.L.C, makes aluminum parts for marine uses. The company generates a number of corrosive and metallic wastes.

According to an EPA complaint issued in December 2000, Bomar violated numerous hazardous waste requirements, including inadequate labeling of wastes, failure to document inspections, inadequate training of personnel who manage hazardous waste and failure to maintain a contingency plan for emergencies. The violations were discovered during EPA inspections in October 1999.

Bomar's violations increased the risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals for company workers and the environment. For instance, the lack of training for employees and the failure to document inspections increased the potential for dangerous handling of hazardous materials.

"Mishandling hazardous wastes can endanger employees and the surrounding community," said Ira Leighton, acting deputy regional administrator of EPA's New England Office. "We are glad that Bomar has entered into the agreement with us and that the company has already improved its environmental practices."

For the first SEP, Bomar will convert its existing chrome-based pre-treatment system to a new system that uses a less toxic, non-chrome substitute to treat aluminum products. For the second SEP, Bomar will give the Charlestown Fire Department emergency response equipment and training. The company has agreed to purchase four Scott air packs, six spare air bottles for the air packs and personal distress alarms for the department's existing air packs. Bomar has also agreed to pay for a 24-hour emergency response training course for one or more of the department's personnel. Once that person is trained, the employee can act as an internal trainer for other department personnel.

"We applaud Bomar's SEPs," Leighton said. "The first is a pollution prevention project that will secure significant environmental benefits by greatly reducing the amount of chrome used in the pre-treatment operations at the facility. The second provides the fire department with the means to more effectively respond to hazardous material incidents at Bomar and at other locations in Charlestown. This will lessen the likelihood of exposure to human health and the environment. The company is taking the needs of the community and the environment to heart."

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