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Release Date: 3/14/1995
Contact Information: Lois Grunwald, U.S. EPA, (415) 744-1588

     (San Francisco)--  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(U.S. EPA) today announced the filing of a complaint against the
U.S. Army's JACADS facility (Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent
Disposal System), fining the facility $122,300 for violation of
its federal hazardous waste permit.  

     "U.S.EPA demands strict compliance from all hazardous waste
treatment facilities," said Jeff Zelikson, director of hazardous
waste management for U.S. EPA's western region. "U.S. EPA is
encouraged with the progress that JACADS has made in correcting
the problems associated with the violations."

    JACADS was cited for violating its Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act permit by releasing a nerve agent above allowable
levels in March 1994. There are no known health effects from the
release. The facility was also cited for improper storage of
hazardous wastes. Johnston Island, where the facility is located,
lies 717 nautical miles west-southwest of Honolulu, Hawaii.

     Immediately following the release of the nerve agent, JACADS
stopped operating for about three months. During that time, U.S.
EPA conducted an investigation and identified several corrective
measures, which included technical operating changes to the
facility. U.S. EPA believes that the corrective measures, most of
which have already been implemented, will prevent a recurrence of
similar incidents in the future.

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