Agriculture Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
Agreements between EPA and organizations, or U.S. states can foster collaborative problem solving and strengthen the agriculture community. Review the list of MOUs that are currently in place below.
- EPA-Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) MOU (pdf)
- EPA-Delaware Department of Agriculture MOU (pdf)
- EPA-Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) MOU (pdf)
- EPA-Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) MOU (pdf)
- EPA-Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) MOU (pdf)
- EPA-Maryland Department of Agriculture MOU (pdf)
- EPA-New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau MOU (pdf)
- EPA-Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (MDAC) MOU (pdf)
- EPA-North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDAS) (pdf)
- EPA-Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture MOU (pdf)
- EPA-South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA) MOU (pdf)
- EPA-Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) MOU (pdf)
- EPA-West Virginia Department of Agriculture MOU (pdf)
- EPA National FFA Organization MOU (pdf)
- EPA-Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy MOU (pdf)